We can extend Kubernetes using Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). By adding Custom Resource Definitions to Kubernetes, operators can use familiar concepts and tools like kubectl to deal with custom data. We can bring our schema and have it sitting next to first-class types like Pod, Service, and others. Kubernetes API Server takes care of the entire lifecycle of custom objects, which means once CRDs are deployed, we can create, modify, retrieve, and delete them. On top of that, we can create custom Roles and ClusterRoles to protect custom objects using RBAC.

For demonstration purposes, we create a cluster-wide Custom Resource Definition to store some metadata scoped to a tenant. To access those objects, we create a corresponding ClusterRole and allow a custom ServiceAccount to retrieve objects of our type by assigning a ClusterRoleBinding to it.

Table of Contents

Create the Custom Resource Definition

Although Custom Resource Definitions are around for quite some time now, the first major API specification was released with Kubernetes 1.16.0. This example assumes running a least a 1.16.0 Kubernetes Cluster, which means you can use the apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 schema. If you are running a Kubernetes version older than 1.16.0, you can still use Custom Resource Definitions. However, you have to use the apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 schema, which is not as powerful as v1, but it works! Consult the official Kubernetes documentation here, and spot the differences between v1 and v1beta1 of the CRD specification.

apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  name: tenantconfigs.thns.com
  group: thns.com
    - name: v1
      served: true
      storage: true
          type: object
              type: object
                  type: string
                  pattern: '^\d{0,5}$' # up to 5 integers
                  type: string
                  default: "Category A"
                  type: boolean
                  default: false
  scope: Cluster
    plural: tenantconfigs
    singular: tenantconfig
    kind: TenantConfig
    - tc

Make yourself comfortable with the specification. For example, see spec.scope, which is set to Cluster here. If you want to create a CustomResource in the scope of a Namespace, you have to provide Namespaced as value.

Deploy the Custom Resource Definition using kubectl apply -f custom_resource_definition.yaml

Work with custom objects

Having our CRD deployed to Kubernetes, we can test it using kubectl. First, let’s verify if Kubernetes knows our custom definition:

kubectl api-resources --api-group thns.com
tenantconfigs          tc           thns.com         false        TenantConfig

Okay, Kubernetes knows the type tenantconfig or short tc. Let’s go ahead and create a new object:

# api version is matching combination of crd.spec.group and crd.spec.version
apiVersion: thns.com/v1
kind: TenantConfig
  name: tenant-config-1
  tenantId: "1"
  category: "Category A"
  isCanaryCustomer: true

Deploy it to the cluster using kubctl apply -f tenant_config_1.yaml. Now we can retreive the list of all TenantConfigs.

kubectl get tc
NAME                 AGE
tenant-config-1      9s

We can also grab the original yaml as we can do with Pods or Deployments

kubectl get tc tenant-config-1 -o yaml

apiVersion: thns.com/v1
kind: TenantConfig
    kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
      {"apiVersion":"thns.com/v1","kind":"TenantConfig","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"tenant-config-1"},"spec":{"isCanaryCustomer":true,"category":"Category A","teanntId":"1"}}
  creationTimestamp: "2020-02-11T17:21:19Z"
  generation: 1
  name: tenant-config-1
  resourceVersion: "1719830"
  selfLink: /apis/thns.com/v1/tenantconfigs/tenant-config-1
  uid: 1ea1ee28-4cb8-11ea-bed4-6a2f834bc8e1
  isCanaryCustomer: true
  category: "Category A"
  tenantId: "1"

Creating the ClusterRole

We created a cluster-wide CRD along with some custom objects. To allow other Users (or ServiceAccounts) interacting with those custom objects, we have to create a ClusterRole which specifies allowed operations for our custom Kubernetes API.

apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRole
    name: "thns.com:tenantconfig:reader"
    - apiGroups: ["thns.com"]
      resources: ["tenantconfigs"]
      verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]

Deploy the ClusterRole to Kubernetes using kubctl apply -f cluser_role.yaml.

Creating a dedicated Namespace

Although we created a cluster-wide Custom Resource Definition, we want to use ta custom ServiceAccount to verify authorization. Instead of messing up the default namespace, go ahead and create a new one.

kubectl create namespace thns
# namespace/thns created

Creating the ServiceAccount

We can use ServiceAccounts to ensure Pods use tailored permissions to talk to Kubernetes API. To create a new ServiceAccount, we need just a few lines of yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
    name: crdreader
    namespace: thns

Deploy the ServiceAccount to Kubernetes using kubectl apply -f service_account.yaml

Check Authorization in behalf of the ServiceAccount I

Once the custom ServiceAccount is deployed, we can use kubectl auth can-i to verify if the ServiceAccount is able to get an object instance. kubectl auth can-i allows impersonation using the --as argument. To impersonate into a ServiceAccount, you have to use the full-qualified name of the ServiceAccount. The syntax for the full-qualified name is system:serviceaccount:<namespace>:<serviceaccount>.

At this point, the check should fail. However, execute:

kubectl auth can-i get tenantconfigs.thns.com --as=system:serviceaccount:thns:crdreader
# no

The verification fails because the ClusterRole is not yet assigned to the ServiceAccount. We can assign it using a ClusterRoleBinding.

Create the ClusterRoleBinding

The ClusterRoleBinding acts as a relation between a ClusterRole and an identity in Kubernetes. In our case, it is the relationship to our ServiceAccount.

apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
    name: "thns.com:tenantconfig:cdreader-read"
    apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
    kind: ClusterRole
    name: "thns.com:tenantconfig:reader"
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: crdreader
      namespace: thns

Deploy the ClusterRoleBinding to your cluser using kubectl apply -f cluster_role_binding.yaml.

Check Authorization in behalf of the ServiceAccount II

Having the ClusterRoleBinding created and deployed to Kubernetes, we can again invoke the kubectl auth can-i command to verify if the ServiceAccount is able to read custom objects.

kubectl auth can-i get tenantconfigs.thorsten-hans.com --as=system:serviceaccount:thns:crdreader
# yes

A note on Namespaced CRDs

This article explained how to create a cluster-wide CRD and allow a custom ServiceAccount consuming custom objects of that type. If you want to create namespaced CRDs, you have to create a corresponding Role and RoleBinding instead of ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding.