Local template variables in Angular can be used to reference HTML elements easily and use their properties either on sibling or child nodes.

It’s pretty easy to create and use those local template variables. Let’s say you have got an input file for dealing the first name of someone.

<input type="text" placeholder="your name please" required maxlength="25" />

You can make the HTMLInputField available to sibling or child nodes using the # symbol.

<input type="text" #firstName placeholder="your name please" required />

Next, let’s say we want to extend our small example to provide a char counter beside the element. Users will see how many characters are available until they hit the maximal length constraint. First, let’s add the corresponding span which is responsible for displaying this information.

<input type="text" #firstName placeholder="your name please" maxlength="25" required />
  <small>{{firstName.value.length}} / {{firstName.maxlength}} </small>

However, that’s not enough; if you execute the sample right now you see something like this:

<input type="text" placeholder="your name please" required maxlength="25"/>
  <small>0 / 25</small>

See the 0 / 25 right after the textbox. It is displaying the maxlength but and it’s not updating the actual length property of the value (0 in this case). To fix that you can either hook up a function from your component, or you can use a small trick to let angular update the view as soon as the user does a keystroke. Update the sample above to look like the following.

<input type="text" #firstName (keyup)="0" placeholder="your name please" maxlength="25" required />
  <small>{{firstName.value.length}} / {{firstName.maxlength}} </small>

Passing data to a Component’s function

In the sample above, I’m using a simple app component with no logic

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

export class AppComponent{


let’s extend the class to provide some super logic:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

export class AppComponent{
  public repeatedName: string = null;

  public repeatName(name: string, times: number) {
    this.repeatedName = (new Array(times+1)).join(name + " ");


The repeatName method prints the value of name as many times as provided for the times parameter.

Let’s reuse the things we’ve learned during this article and update the template to look like the following:

<input type="text" #firstName (keyup)="0" placeholder="your name please" maxlength="25" required />

  <small>{{firstName.value.length}} / {{firstName.maxlength}} </small>

<label>Repeat: </label>
<input type="number" #repeater (keyup)="repeatName(firstName.value, repeater.value)" min="1" max="999" />
<label> Times </label>
<p>{{ repeatedName }}</p>

If you execute the sample and enter John and set the value of the repeater to any valid number, you see 31, if you provide 3 as repeater count.

So why is that? As you may guess, HTMLInputField is treating the value as a string. Angular forwards the value as string no matter how your method signature looks.

To fix this, update the repeatName method to look like shown below

public repeatName(name:string, times:string){
    const repeat = parseInt(times) + 1;
    this.repeatedName = (new Array(repeat)).join(name+ " ");

Now the sample works as expected and multiply the name depending on the number you provide.